Oracle Unified Messaging
Installation Guide
Release 2.1.2 for Sun SPARC Solaris 2.6
January, 2001
Part No. A86091-02
Preface........................................................................................................................................................... vii
Installation Overview ........................................................................................................................ 1-2
Installation Requirements ................................................................................................................ 1-2
System Requirements................................................................................................................... 1-2
Software Requirements................................................................................................................ 1-3
Preinstallation Tasks .......................................................................................................................... 1-3
Task 1: Back Up and Shut down Existing Database and Log Files ....................................... 1-4
Task 2: Install and Configure the Oracle8 Universal Data Server......................................... 1-4
Task 3: Start the Processes Necessary for Installation ............................................................. 1-4
Task 4: Configure Net8 (Database Node Installation) TNSLISTENER80 ............................ 1-5
Task 5: Configure Net8 (Multiple Instance Installations Only)............................................. 1-6
Installing and Configuring Oracle Unified Messaging
Installing Oracle Unified Messaging.............................................................................................. 2-2
Mounting the Product CD-ROM Manually ........................................................................... 2-2
Running the Oracle Universal Installer .................................................................................. 2-2
Entering File Locations ................................................................................................................ 2-5
Verifying Your Installation Settings .......................................................................................... 2-7
Starting the Configuration Assistant Manually ................................................................ 2-9
Configuration Assistant Screen Buttons .......................................................................... 2-10
Specifying File Locations........................................................................................................... 2-11
Entering Passwords.................................................................................................................... 2-13
Specifying Oracle eMail Server Parameters............................................................................ 2-15
Specifying Oracle eMail Server Passwords............................................................................. 2-15
Entering LDAP Information...................................................................................................... 2-16
Exiting the Configuration Assistant......................................................................................... 2-19
Post Installation
Post Installation Tasks ....................................................................................................................... 3-2
Task 1: Create the Oracle Unified Messaging LDAP Schema ................................................ 3-2
Task 2: Encoding the Helpdesk Password ................................................................................ 3-3
Task 3: Configuring the oomgrRMI Process............................................................................ 3-4
Task 4: Starting the Oracle Unified Messaging Processes ...................................................... 3-4
Task 5: Configuring Apache Listener Port................................................................................ 3-4
Task 6: Configuring JServ ............................................................................................................ 3-5
Task 7: Starting Apache JServ ..................................................................................................... 3-5
Task 8: Configuring HelpDesk ................................................................................................... 3-5
Task 9: Updating Real Audio (only if Real Audio is installed).............................................. 3-6
Task 10: Updating the Tiff to Gif Executable (only if a Tiff to Gif executable is installed) 3-6
Log Files and Trace Files.................................................................................................................... 4-2
Troubleshooting Hints ....................................................................................................................... 4-2
Send Us Your Comments
Oracle Unified Messaging Installation Guide, Release 2.1.2 for Sun SPARC Solaris 2.6
Part No. A86091-02
Oracle Corporation welcomes your comments and suggestions on the quality and usefulness of this
publication. Your input is an important part of the information used for revision.
Did you find any errors?
Is the information clearly presented?
Do you need more information? If so, where?
Are the examples correct? Do you need more examples?
What features did you like most about this manual?
If you find any errors or have any other suggestions for improvement, please indicate the chapter,
section, and page number (if available). You can send comments to us in the following ways:
Electronic mail:
FAX: (650) 506-7228 Attn: Unified Messaging Documentation Manager
Postal service:
Oracle Corporation
Unified Messaging Documentation Manager
500 Oracle Parkway, Mailstop 4OP12
Redwood Shores, CA 94065
If you would like a reply, please give your name, address, and telephone number below.
If you have problems with the software, please contact your local Oracle Support Services representa-
The topics covered in this preface include:
Intended Audience
Oracle Unified Messaging Documentation
Related Documents
Notation Conventions
Intended Audience
The configuration and installation instructions in this document are intended for
anyone who is responsible for installing Oracle products on Sun SPARC Solaris.
While some command examples are provided, this document does not attempt to
teach Oracle or UNIX administration.
Oracle Unified Messaging Documentation
Oracle Unified Messaging documentation is available in HTML and PDF format on
the CD-ROM and installs automatically during product installation. Use your Web
browser to access $ORACLE_HOME/um/doc/index.html on your server. The following
documents are available:
Oracle Unified Messaging Installation Guide
Oracle Unified Messaging Client Developer’s Guide
Oracle Unified Messaging Release Notes
Related Documents
This guide provides operating system-specific information for Oracle Unified
Messaging for Sun SPARC Solaris 2.6. This document refers to the following user
guides and reference manuals:
Oracle eMail Server 5.1 Installation Guide
Oracle eMail Server 5.1 Administration Guide
Oracle eMail Server 5.1 Release Notes
Oracle Internet Application Server 8i Installation Guide Release 1.0 for Sun SPARC
Ordering Related Documentation
To order documentation, call the appropriate number listed below.
In the United States, call Documentation Sales at: 1-800-252-0303.
In the United Kingdom, call Oracle Direct Response at: +44-990-332200.
In other European countries, contact your local Oracle Support office.
In the Asia-Pacific region, contact your Oracle sales representative.
viii Installation Guide
Notation Conventions
The following notational conventions appear in this manual:
Italicized type identifies document titles.
Monospace type indicates commands.
Boldface type indicates script names, directory names, path names,
and file names (for example, the script).
Uppercase letters indicate parameters or environment variables (for
example, ORACLE_HOME).
In code examples, vertical ellipsis points indicate that information
not directly related to the example has been omitted.
. . .
< >
[ ]
In command syntax, horizontal ellipsis points indicate repetition of
the preceding parameters. The following command example
indicates that more than one input_file may be specified on the
command line.
command [input_file ...]
In command syntax, angle brackets identify variables that the user
must supply. You do not type the angle brackets. The following
command example indicates that the user must enter a value for the
variable input_file:
command <input_file>
In command syntax, brackets enclose optional clauses from which
you can choose one or none. You do not type the brackets. The
following command example indicates that the variable output_file
is optional:
command <input_file> [output_file]
In command syntax, curly brackets indicate that a choice of two or
more items separated by a vertical bar or pipe ( | ). You do not type
the curly brackets. The following command example indicates a
choice of either a or b:
{ }
command {a | b}
The dollar sign represents the shell prompt in UNIX.
Installation Guide
This chapter describes the preinstallation procedures for Oracle Unified Messaging.
Topics covered include:
Installation Overview
Installation Requirements
Preinstallation Tasks
Preinstallation 1-1
Installation Overview
Installation Overview
Oracle Unified Messaging is a highly scalable, messaging framework which
integrates messages from multiple sources into a single inbox. Prior to installation,
you should plan your implementation strategy and be familiar with Unified
Messaging system components, concepts, and terminology described in the Unified
Messaging Client Developer’s Guide.
The installation process is composed of the following steps:
1. Complete the necessary pre-installation tasks including backing up your
existing system, configuring the UNIX environment, and preparing related
processes and products for the installation.
2. Use the Installer on the Oracle software CD to install or upgrade Oracle Unified
Messaging and related software products.
3. Perform the post installation steps.
4. Verify the configuration by starting processes and checking process logs.
Installation Requirements
You must meet the following system and software requirements to install Oracle
Unified Messaging.
System Requirements
50 MB of disk space
128 MB of memory
Software Requirements
Oracle Unified Messaging requires the following software components and
associated versions:
State During Unified
Messaging Installation
Oracle eMail Server
Oracle8i Data Server
Installed and running
Installed and running
1-2 Installation Guide
Installation Requirements
State During Unified
Messaging Installation
Oracle Internet
Installed and running
Installed and running
Oracle Internet
Application Server
(Oracle HTTP Server)
Required for Web
node only.
Oracle Internet
Application Server
cannot share the same
with other Oracle
products. If you have
installed other Oracle
products, then Oracle
Internet Application
Server must be
installed in a different
4.6 or 4.7
Either one installed
Microsoft Internet
Real Audio Server
Required for real
audio streaming.
Installed and running
Installed and running
Tiff to Gif Conversion
Tool (optional)
Required if your fax
server captures
images in .tiff format.
Preinstallation 1-3
Preinstallation Tasks
Preinstallation Tasks
The following tasks must be performed prior to installing Oracle Unified
Task 1: Back Up and Shut down Existing Database and Log Files
Perform a full backup of your existing Oracle8 Universal Data Server before you
perform any new installation or upgrade. A full backup ensures that you can
recover from errors encountered during new installation or upgrade processes.
This backup should be taken with the database shut down cleanly. If you use SHUT
DOWN IMMEDIATE or SHUT DOWN ABORT to force users off the system, be
sure to restart the database in restricted mode, and then shut it down with normal
priority. See the Oracle8i Administrator’s Guide or Oracle8i Backup and Recovery for
more information.
Task 2: Install and Configure the Oracle8 Universal Data Server
Oracle Unified Messaging requires reconfiguration of specific database parameters.
Before starting this configuration, shut down the network listener and the database
where Oracle Unified Messaging will be installed.
To shut down the network listener:
$ lsnrctl stop
To shut down the database:
$ svrmgrl
SVRMGR> connect internal
SVRMGR> shutdown
SVRMGR> exit
Edit the init<sid>.orafile located in the $ORACLE_HOME/dbsdirectory to
reflect the following minimum values for the listed parameters:
Minimum Settings
1-4 Installation Guide
Preinstallation Tasks
Task 3: Start the Processes Necessary for Installation
1. Start the database:
$ svrmgrl
SVRMGR> connect internal
Connected to an idle instance.
SVRMGR> startup
SVRMGR> exit
2. Start the network listener:
$ lsnrctl start
Task 4: Configure Net8 (Database Node Installation) TNSLISTENER80
To install an Unified Messaging database node, a connect string must exist that
provides a connection to the Unified Messaging database using the sid.
1. Verify that the entry exists in the TNSNAMES.ORAfile for the Unified Messaging
sid. If it does not exist, add the following:
<connect string> =
(HOST = <um host name>)
(PORT = <listener port>)
Example: =
(ADDRESS = (community = (PROTOCOL =tcp)
(PORT = 1521)
Preinstallation 1-5
Preinstallation Tasks
Task 5: Configure Net8 (Multiple Instance Installations Only)
If you are installing a separate Oracle Unified Messaging system from your Oracle
eMail Server database instance, then you must configure Net8 to enable the Oracle
Unified Messaging system to contact the Oracle eMail Server database.
1. Add the following entry for the Oracle eMail Server database system to which
you want to connect:
<connect string> =
(ADDRESS=( PROTOCOL= TCP)(HOST= <ES host server name>)(PORT= 1521))
2. Verify the modified tnsnames.ora file:
$ tnsping host
3. Verify that the Oracle eMail Server database tnsnames.orafile has an Oracle
Unified Messaging entry name that connects to the Oracle eMail Server
database instance.
1-6 Installation Guide
Installing and Configuring Unified
This chapter describes Unified Messaging installation and configuration procedures
for both new installations and upgrades. Topics covered include:
Installing Unified Messaging
Installing and Configuring Unified Messaging 2-1
Installing Unified Messaging
Installing Unified Messaging
Mounting the Product CD-ROM Manually
The Oracle Product Installation CD-ROM is in RockRidge format. If you are using
the Solaris Volume Management software (installed by default on Sun SPARC
Solaris 2.x), the CD-ROM is mounted automatically when you put it into the disk
drive. If you are not using the Solaris Volume Management software, use the
following procedure to mount the CD-ROM manually. You must have root
privileges to mount or unmount the CD-ROM manually. Be sure to unmount the
CD-ROM before removing it from the drive.
1. Place the Product Installation CD-ROM in the CD-ROM drive.
2. Log in as the root user:
$ su root
3. Create a CD-ROM mount point directory:
# mkdir mount_point_directory
4. Mount the CD-ROM drive on the mount point directory and exit the root
# mount options device_name mount_point_directory
# exit
Running the Oracle Universal Installer
1. Log in as the user who installed oracle products on this machine and change to
the installation directory on the CD-ROM:
$ cd /cdrom/cdrom0
2. Make sure the DISPLAY environment variable is set to your display address.
C Shell:
% setenv DISPLAY <hostname>:0.0
Bourne or Korn Shell:
$ DISPLAY=<hostname>:0.0;export DISPLAY
2-2 Installation Guide
Installing Unified Messaging
3. Make sure xhost, while physically located on the host machine, is set to enable
access to the X server on your machine. Use the following command:
% /usr/openwin/bin/xhost +
See the UNIX man pages for more information on xhost.
4. From the install directory on the CD-ROM, type the following command:
$ ./runInstaller
The ./runInstallercommand launches the Oracle Universal Installer and the
Welcome dialog box displays.
Oracle Universal Installer Screen Buttons
This table gives you information about the Oracle Universal Installer screen
Installing and Configuring Unified Messaging 2-3
Installing Unified Messaging
Screen Button
Deinstall Products
What it Does
Takes you to the Deinstall screen.
About Oracle Universal Installer Gives you the version number.
Exits you out of the install session.
Installed Products
Shows you what Oracle products you have installed.
Takes you back to the previous screen.
Takes you to the next screen.
Enables you to cancel the installation process.
2-4 Installation Guide
Installing Unified Messaging
Entering File Locations
1. At the Welcome screen, click Next. The File Locations screen displays.
Enter the location of the source and destination. The Source is where the Unified
Messaging stage is located. The Destination is where the ORACLE_HOME is
located and where Unified Messaging will be installed.
2. Type in or use the Browse button to select the Source and Destination
directories for your installation.
3. Click Next. The Installation Types screen displays.
Installing and Configuring Unified Messaging 2-5
Installing Unified Messaging
Select your installation type.
Installation Type
What it Does
Database Node
Installs the database components and creates UM
database objects.
Web Node
Installs the web components only.
Click Next. The Summary screen appears.
2-6 Installation Guide
Installing Unified Messaging
Verifying Your Installation Settings
The Summary screen enables you to verify your installation settings. These settings
include the source and destinations locations you specified; the installation type
you selected; the product language; the space requirement for installation and the
space currently available; and the Unified Messaging products that will be installed.
Installing and Configuring Unified Messaging 2-7
Installing Unified Messaging
To change your source or destination location, or installation type, click Previous to
return to the appropriate screen. Otherwise, click Install to begin installation. The
progress screen displays.
This screen shows the progress of your installation. To stop installation, click
2-8 Installation Guide
Installing Unified Messaging
The products are installed in the specified location. When installation is complete,
the Configuration Tools screen appears.
If installation was successful, the UM 2.1.2 Configuration Assistant launches.
Starting the Configuration Assistant Manually
1. Define the ORACLE _HOME environment variable in the .loginfile (for the C
shell) or the.profilefile (for the Bourne or Korn Shell):
login (C shell)
setenv ORACLE_HOME <directoryName>
profile (Bourne or Korn shells)
2. Run the .profileor .loginfile.
Installing and Configuring Unified Messaging 2-9
Installing Unified Messaging
3. Set your JAVA_HOME directory as shown:
ksh/bsh -- export JAVA_HOME=<jre install directory>
csh -- setenv JAVA_HOME <jre install directory>
4. At the Solaris prompt, enter the command:
Configuration Assistant Screen Buttons
This table gives you information about the Configuration Assistant screen buttons.
Click Next to proceed through the steps to configure Oracle Unified Messaging
Screen Button
What it Does
Exits you out of the Configuration Assistant.
Takes you to the next screen.
2-10 Installation Guide
Installing Unified Messaging
The ORACLE_HOME for Oracle UM 2.1.2 screen appears.
Specifying File Locations
On this screen you must specify the location of your Oracle Home, where Unified
Messaging is to be installed.
Enter the directory path of the ORACLE_HOME where Unified Messaging is
installed and click Next. The ORACLE_SIDs for UM 2.1.2 screen displays.
Installing and Configuring Unified Messaging 2-11
Installing Unified Messaging
On this screen you must enter the Oracle SID and connect string for Unified
Messaging, as well as the Unified Messaging tablespace name.
2-12 Installation Guide
Installing Unified Messaging
Enter the UM connect string, UM ORACLE_SID, and the Name of UM
Tablespace in the corresponding fields. See the table below for more
What it Is
UM Connect String
Connect string for the database that holds the Oracle Unified
Messaging objects.
SID for the database that holds the Oracle Unified Messaging
Name of UM Tablespace
The name of the Unified Messaging tablespace on the database.
Entering Passwords
In this screen, you must enter three Unified Messaging database passwords.
Database Passwords
What it Is
UM User Password
UM database password for the UMuser. All Unified Messaging
objects are owned by the UM user.
This user is created in the installation process, and the
password you enter here is the user’s new password.
Installing and Configuring Unified Messaging 2-13
Installing Unified Messaging
Database Passwords
What it Is
Sys User Password
UM database password specified for the sysuser. The
password already exists from the database installation. It
should be entered here.
System User Password
UM database password specified for the systemuser.The
password already exists from the database installation. It
should be entered here.
Enter the passwords in the corresponding fields and click Next. The ES Parameters
screen displays.
2-14 Installation Guide
Installing Unified Messaging
Specifying Oracle eMail Server Parameters
In this screen, you must specify Oracle eMail Server parameters.
IM Parameters
ES Hostname
What it Is
Hostname and machine where ES is installed.
DNS Domain
DNS domain where ES is installed.
Node name of the ES node.
ES Node Name
ES Domain Name
Fully qualified domain name for Unified Messaging
Specifying Oracle eMail Server Passwords
In this screen, you must specify passwords for your Oracle eMail Server installation.
ES User Passwords
oopwd for ES instance
What it Is
oouser password for the ES database instance. All Oracle
eMail Server objects are owned by the database user oo.
Installing and Configuring Unified Messaging 2-15
Installing Unified Messaging
ES User Passwords
adminpwd for oomgr
What it Is
Adminuser password for oomgr.
When you installed Unified Messaging, you were prompted to
enter a password for the ADMIN account. The ADMIN
account is the system administrator’s account (or superuser
account) from which you manage objects on a given node. In
addition, the ADMIN user can grant administrative privileges
to other users, so that they can administer the Unified
Messaging system. The ADMIN account cannot be deleted and
always retains superuserprivileges.
Enter the passwords and click Next. The LDAP Servers screen displays.
Entering LDAP Information
In this screen you must specify your LDAP Servers Parameters.
PAB - Private Address Book
GSM - Global System for Mobile
LDAP Parameters
What it Is
PAB Server
Name of the LDAP server that will be used with UM. All UM's
directory information will be stored within this server.
2-16 Installation Guide
Installing Unified Messaging
LDAP Parameters
What it Is
PAB Port
Port number of the LDAP server specified in PAB server. Defaults
to 389.
GSM Server
GSM Server
Name of the LDAP server to use for General Directory searching
capability in UM.
Port number of the LDAP server specified in GSM Server. Defaults
to 389.
The type of LDAP server being used. Must be "oracle" for an Oracle
Internet Directory.
Enter the parameters and click Next. The LDAP Domains screen displays.
Installing and Configuring Unified Messaging 2-17
Installing Unified Messaging
In this screen you must specify your LDAP domains.
LDAP Domains
What it Is
PAB Domain
Name of the rootof the LDAP domain where UM will store it’s
GSM Domain
Name of the rootof the GSM LDAP server from where all the
search functions will start.
Enter the LDAP domains and click Next. The last screen displays.
2-18 Installation Guide
Installing Unified Messaging
Exiting the Configuration Assistant
Click Finish to exit the Configuration Assistant.
Once you have completed installation, you must now complete the post-installation
tasks. See "Post Installation Tasks" on page 3-2 to begin post-installation tasks.
Installing and Configuring Unified Messaging 2-19
Installing Unified Messaging
2-20 Installation Guide
Post Installation
This chapter describes post installation procedures for Unified Messaging. Topics
Post Installation Tasks
Post Installation 3-1
Post Installation Tasks
Post Installation Tasks
Perform the tasks described in this section after a Unified Messaging installation or
Note: You must run the following tasks in a Korn shell
Note: Configure Oracle eMail Server to include two rewrite rules.
Please refer to chapter 10 of the Oracle eMail Server 5.1
Administration Guide.
Task 1: Create the Oracle Unified Messaging LDAP Schema
Use this procedure to create the schema the helpdesk will use in the LDAP server.
This procedure must be performed after completing the postinstallation chapter of
the Oracle eMail Server 5.1 Installation Guide.
Note: The following tasks should be completed on the machine
where Oracle Internet Directory is installed.
.ldif files are located in the following directory where Oracle Unified Messaging is
All .ldif files must be copied from the machine where Unified Messaging is
installed to the machine where Oracle Internet Directory is installed.
1. Edit the following files to specify the LDAP domains:
2. Create the domains in the directory tree, using oid_domain.ldif:
ldapmodify -D <user dn for directory admin> -w
<password> -a -f oid_domain.ldif
3. Create search catalogs:
3-2 Installation Guide
Post Installation Tasks
$cd $ORACLE_HOME/ldap/bin
4. Execute the following: -connect <connectString> -add -attr aliasedobjectname -connect <connectString> -add -attr associateddomain -connect <connectString> -add -attr dnqualifier -connect <connectString> -add -attr homephone -connect <connectString> -add -attr mobile -connect <connectString> -add -attr pager -connect <connectString> -add -attr owner
5. Setup the Helpdesk Administrators using oid_setup.ldifafter changing
the domains in this file. Currently, it creates HelpDesk administrators for the
domain dc=PAB,dc=UM_DOMAIN,dc=com.
ldapmodify -D <user dn for directory admin> -w
<password> -a -f oid_setup.ldif
6. Setup the ACLs using oid_acl.ldif after changing the domains in this file.
Currently, it sets up ACLs for the domain dc=PAB,dc=UM_DOMAIN,dc=com
ldapmodify -D <user dn for directory admin> -w
<password> -f oid_acl.ldif
7. Restart Oracle Internet Directory database and the Oracle Internet Directory
8. Stop Oracle Internet Directory:
oidctl connect=<connect string> server=oidldapd instance=1 stop
9. Start Oracle Internet Directory:
oidctl connect=<connect string> server=oidldapd instance=1
configset=0 flags=’-p 389’ start
Task 2: Encoding the Helpdesk Password
Note: The following tasks should be performed on the machine
where the Unified Messaging server is installed.
1. Source the UM environment:
Post Installation 3-3
Post Installation Tasks
$ . $ORACLE_HOME/um/admin/.umenv
2. Encode the password:
Task 3: Configuring the oomgrRMI Process
The oomgr RMI process allows for Unified Messaging sessions to remotely share an
oomgrprocess to do administration on Oracle eMail Server accounts. The oomgr
RMI process can be run on either the Unified Messaging or the Oracle eMail Server
To run it on the Unified Messaging machine, oomgrexecutable and its message
files need to be installed on the Unified Messaging machine.
To run it on the Oracle eMail Server machine, Unified Messaging classes need to
be installed and configured with the wizard in the ORACLE_HOME where
Oracle eMail Server is installed.
On machines with Unified Messaging middle-tier installation, verify that the
oomgr.servername property in the properties file points to where oomgr RMI
process is running. The properties file is located in the following directory:
Task 4: Starting the Unified Messaging Processes
1. Start the Unified Messaging processes.
$ $ORACLE_HOME/um/bin/
$ $ORACLE_HOME/um/bin/
Task 5: Configuring Apache Listener Port
The default listener port without SSL is 7777 and with SSL is 80.
To configure the Apache port:
$vi $ORACLE_HOME/Apache/Apache/conf/httpds.conf
and edit the parameter called Port.
3-4 Installation Guide
Post Installation Tasks
Task 6: Configuring JServ
To configure JServ for Oracle Unified Messaging, you must edit
$ORACLE_HOME/Apache/JServ/etc/jserv.propertiesto add JVM
properties and CLASSPATHS.
To add Oracle Unified Messaging properties, Oracle recommends adding the
following lines in the same location where other properties are defined.
To add Oracle Unified Messaging CLASSPATHs, Oracle recommends adding the
following lines in the same location where other CLASSPATHs are defined.
Task 7: Starting Apache JServ
Go to $ORACLE_HOME/Apache/Apache/bin
To start: ’
apachectl start
To stop:
apachectl stop
Note: if the port is < 1024, you need to be root to start Apache.
Task 8: Configuring HelpDesk
1. Change directory to:
$ cd $ORACLE_HOME/um/admin
2. Run oomgr:
$ oomgr admin/<password>
3. Execute helpdesk.oom
Post Installation 3-5
Post Installation Tasks
iofcmgr> execute helpdesk.oom
4. Bring up your browser.
5. Enter the following:
6. Enter the helpdesk user account password. The default password is helpdesk.
Task 9: Updating Real Audio (only if Real Audio is installed)
If Real Audio is installed, you must update the following to enable Real Audio
Update rma.home (home of RealAudio) and rma.server (server name and port
number of RealAudio) in <site name>.properties.
Task 10: Updating the Tiff to Gif Executable (only if a Tiff to Gif executable is
You must update your tiff to gif executable to enable your fax server to convert tiff
image files to gif image files.
Edit to call the tiff to gif converter executable.
Note: The takes two arguments:
1st = name of the tiff file
2nd = destination of the gif file
3-6 Installation Guide
This chapter discusses troubleshooting information. Topics include:
Log Files and Trace Files
Troubleshooting Hints
Troubleshooting 4-1
Log Files and Trace Files
Log Files and Trace Files
For installation troubleshooting, refer to the logfile in:
For background Oracle Unified Messaging processes troubleshooting, refer to
trace files in:
For Oracle Unified Messaging classes troubleshooting, refer to log file in:
Troubleshooting Hints
Make sure Oracle eMail Server is installed and working correctly,
1. Connect directly to the IMAP ports of Oracle eMail Server:
$ telnet <es machine name> 143
2. If Oracle eMail Server is running imap4 correctly, login using:
a1 login helpdesk helpdesk
3. Response from the server should be:
a1 OK LOGIN completed
4. Log out of Oracle eMail Server:
Make sure that listeners on Oracle eMail Server and Oracle Unified Messaging
are working correctly (using tnsping from the machines).
Make sure that LDAP server is up and running correctly. You can issue the
following command using a browser:
ldap://<ldap machine name>/uid=1,<PAB_DOMAIN>,
4-2 Installation Guide
Troubleshooting Hints
■<PAB_DOMAIN> selected during installation.
If the data for the helpdesk is returned, then LDAP is working fine. If the data for
the helpdesk is not returned, then resolve LDAP server issue using the
documentation provided by the LDAP server.
Troubleshooting 4-3
Troubleshooting Hints
4-4 Installation Guide
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